Anti-corruption Code of Conduct

Nunca Más has adopted zero tolerance on corruption. This entails that all members, staff, partners and consultants upon suspicion or awareness of specific cases of corruption involving other members, staff members, consultants and business partners, partners in programs and projects, and others with whom staff members cooperate, are obliged to immediately notify their superiors or controller directly.

Upon suspicion or knowledge of specific cases of corruption, such as bribery, the Danish or foreign donors of Nunca Más are immediately notified. Proper action, including possibly suspension and termination of employment and contracts, and reporting to the police, is taken immediately by the senior management of NUNCA MÁS on the basis of the available information. This applies to cases in Denmark as well as abroad, regardless of how the information came into the possession of Nunca Más.

All members, staff, partners and consultants of Nunca Más will respect and promote the principles of the Code of Conduct presented below. 

1. Conflict of Interest

We will avoid any conflict – real or potential – between our personal interests and the interests of Nunca Más.

Conflicts of interest arise from situations in which a member, a member of staff, partners and consultants of Nunca Más has a private interest that could potentially influence, or appear to influence, the impartial and objective performance of his or her official duties. Private interests include any advantage to oneself or one’s family, close relatives, friends and persons or organisations with which one has or has had business or political relations. When faced with a potential or actual conflict of interest, we are required to promptly inform their superiors.

2. Bribery

We will not give or accept bribery in any form.

Bribery is the act of offering, giving (active bribery), receiving, soliciting or accepting (passive bribery) something of value with the purpose of influencing the action of an official in the performance of his or her public or legal duties. Bribery is a criminal offence in Denmark.

3. Extortion

We will not for private purpose seek to influence any person or body by using our professional position or by using force or threats.

Extortion occurs when a professional official unlawfully demands or receives money or property through intimidation. Extortion may include threats of harm to a person or his/her property, threats to accuse him/her of a crime/illegal act, or threats to reveal embarrassing information. Some forms of threat are occasionally singled out for separate statutory treatment under the designation “blackmail.” Extortion is a criminal offence in Denmark.

4. Fraud

We will not use deception, trickery or breach of confidence to gain an unfair or dishonest advantage.

Fraud is the use of deception with the intention of obtaining an advantage (financial or otherwise), avoiding an obligation or causing loss to others. This involves being deliberately dishonest, misleading, engaging in deceitful behaviour, practising trickery or acting under false pretences. Fraud is a criminal offence in Denmark.

5. Embezzlement

We will not misappropriate or otherwise divert property or funds entrusted to us.

Embezzlement is the misappropriation or other diversion of property or funds legally entrusted to someone by virtue of his or her position. Embezzlement is a criminal offence in Denmark.

6. Gifts

We will not give, solicit or receive directly or indirectly any gift or other favour that may be seen to influence the exercise of our function, performance of duty or judgement. This does not include conventional hospitality or minor gifts.

In the context of corruption, a gift is a financial or other benefit, offered, given, solicited or received in the expectation of receiving a benefit in return. Gifts and hospitality may be in themselves a manifestation of corrupt behaviour. They may be used to facilitate corruption or may give the appearance of corruption. Gifts may include cash or assets given as presents, and political or charitable donations. Hospitality may include meals, hotels, flights, entertainment or sporting events.

As a general rule, we should not receive gifts or other advantages. However, in observing and respecting local hospitality conventions, small gifts may be accepted.

7. Nepotism and favouritism

We will not favour friends, family or other close personal relations in recruitment, procurement, aid delivery, consular services or other situations.

 Nepotism is favouritism shown to relatives or friends without regard to merit. Relatives or friends are treated favourably based on the close personal relationship alone rather than on a professional and objective assessment of their skills and qualifications.

8. Reporting corruption cases

We will report any evidence or suspicion of breach of this Code of Conduct.

 All staff, partners and consultants are obliged to familiarise themselves with the Code of Conduct and respect its principles. They are obliged to report any evidence or suspicion of breach of the Code to their superiors.